
choosing therapy retreats

7 Tips on Choosing Therapy Retreats for Couples

Is your happily ever after starting to spiral out of control? With all the daily struggles and trials thrown at couples, it’s not uncommon to feel this way. Don’t let the divorce rate fool you, though. You can address these stressors and learn to deal with them by choosing therapy retreats. It doesn’t matter if …

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better sex life

8 Tips for Couples on Achieving a Better Sex Life

Are you looking to spice up your married sex life? There are many different ways to boost your marriage, including better sex. While physical intimacy isn’t the only foundation of your relationship, it’s a key part. It’s a way to reaffirm your bond and connect on an emotional level. But due to the busy nature …

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marriage counseling

9 Common Signs You Need Marriage Counseling

You jump as your spouse slams the bedroom door. It’s been days, weeks even, since your last civil conversation. You can’t even remember the last time you held hands or went on a date. If this sounds like your marriage, it may be helpful to consider marriage counseling. Marriage counseling has been shown to positively …

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choosing couples therapists

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing Couples Therapists

Are you looking for help with your relationship? Every marriage or relationship goes through rocky patches, it’s only normal. It’s how you deal with them with your partner that determines the lasting nature of your bond. When times get tough, there’s no harm in admitting you need a helping hand. But if you’ve never tried …

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how to fall back in love

This Is How to Fall Back in Love With Your Partner

It is common knowledge that 40 to 50 percent of couples in the United States get divorced. Many more experience marital issues and feel like they are falling out of love with their partner. However, feeling like this doesn’t mean your marriage is over. If you want to learn how to fall back in love …

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marriage therapist

4 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Marriage Therapist

Is your marriage on a rocky slope? What seemed like a match made in heaven is starting to look more like a world-ending disaster. Further still, there’s a good chance that your partner may be thinking the same. However, you don’t want to give up on the marriage just yet. You don’t want to deal …

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types of couples therapy

What Are the Different Types of Couples Therapy?

During the dark months of the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. divorce rates spiked 34%. Of all divorcing couples, 31% said added pandemic stress contributed to their break-up. It’s not hard to see the logic. A national health crisis and its economic consequences caused marriages with fissures to break. Our relationships changed during the past year, and …

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reasons people get divorced

What Are the Common Reasons People Get Divorced?

People love to say that 50% of marriages end in divorce as if they’re a coin-flip. A deeper dive into the US statistics paint a different picture. Recent data shows 14.9 divorces for every 1,000 marriages. This statistic doesn’t mean more people are now living happily ever after. No matter the data, a high number …

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marriage counseling process

The Marriage Counseling Process: This Is How Long It Takes

Did you know that nearly 50% of married couples have been to marriage counseling? You might think that’s a high number, but it’s understandable considering that relationships are complicated and may do better with an objective outside observer.  If you are wondering about the marriage counseling process, then you are in the right place. Read …

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physical intimacy in marriage

This Is the Importance of Physical Intimacy in Marriage

Is there a rift in your relationship that you can’t seem to cross? Are you having trouble finding physical intimacy in marriage? As your relationship grows throughout the years, sometimes you’ll run into problems that put your bond on fragile ice. It’ll feel like you can’t find a way to communicate without fighting or you …

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