Five Important Questions to Ask Yourselves Before Attending a Couples’ Marriage Retreat 

A couples’ marriage retreat is an organized session where couples take time away to recommit to their relationship and tackle any issues between them. Couples at a retreat engage with professionals who offer marriage counseling or relationship advice. Signing up for a couples’ marriage retreat is a voluntary exercise that should involve both partners. But what are the things you need to know before you sign up for a marriage retreat? 

These are important factors you should know if you are your partner are thinking of going on a marriage retreat. 

Why Do You Need to Go On the Retreat? 

You should understand your reason for attending the retreat as it helps you focus and get the most out of it. If your main intention is to handle a marriage crisis at a retreat, understand and focus on this goal. Attending a marriage retreat with a clear reason makes it more worthwhile for you as a couple, compared to doing it without a clear purpose. 

How Does the Retreat Affect your Normal Routine? 

Marriage Counseling Retreats take one day or more, and couples must take time away from their normal routine to focus on the retreat. You must therefore factor in your routine before you go for a couples’ retreat. Depending on your schedule and purpose for attending the retreat, you may choose hourly therapy or a day’s retreat.  

Are There Marriage Retreats Near You? 

If your goal for attending a couples’ marriage retreat is to solve a crisis, you may need to sign up for one immediately. You, therefore, need to search for good couples’ retreats near you and register early because most of these retreats require you to register prior. There are group and private retreats, so you should take time and find the ideal retreat for you and your spouse.  

Do you Have a Preference for your Retreat Therapists? 

Couples that attend traditional therapy are accustomed to dealing with one therapist. At a couples’ retreat, however, you can choose to involve one therapist or a couple of therapists. You should talk and agree on this, to ensure each of you is comfortable. In some cases, you or your spouse might get uncomfortable with a therapist based on their gender and other issues. Intensive Marriage Retreats should ensure all partners are comfortable, and that includes being comfortable with the therapists.  

Are Both of you Committed to the Retreat? 

You should not force a retreat on your partner, and your partner should not force you either. Therapy Retreats are life-changing and intensive, so both of you should be up to it. Even before you start checking out the available marriage retreats near you, ensure you and your partner are committed to the retreat.  

You and your spouse should also be committed to working out any challenges in your union. If your intention for attending a couples’ therapy is to tackle some challenges and rebuild trust, you must both have this intention.  

Marriage retreats give you and your partner a conducive environment to solve challenges, rebuild trust and enjoy quality time together. Before signing up for a couples’ retreat, ensure your partner is willing to participate, consider the impact the retreat would have on your routine, and other factors to ensure it is effective.